Man has to service. At least he has to service a woman to see that woman off in order to keep his mankind life if he lacks of the heart to service the public. Man has to subject to the higher standard than woman, therefore, man has to make sure he can score Chinese said "從.1.Are.終" (That how you are man born in the rich <"金童玉女" - Gold is mine finer than sand, that rich boy has to die like Chinese said "粉.Sheng.Sway.Goods" for that 玉女- 子女{that Chinese words supposed read from right toward left, from high to low} "女 室內設計.子"-fake man-liar-evil doer. That how you are rich and famous, you must not have kid, you have son and daughter, you better send them to Hollywood to tell them play any role for any film free of charge to keep their pure virgin to the end, so that she may be that bright star to hang above the sky, he may be that stone lie on the ground or under the water to keep water clean, to tooled as the weapon to kill.>and famous gang, you must know that y 買屋網ou have no way to married a woman truly fall in love with you, therefore, you have to make sure the woman you choose to married must a good woman who just seek to live under your shield, so that you can service her at the home owned by both of you, and service your country because you don't need to worry to make money in order to live, and because that woman you left at home is a good woman, therefore, you don't need worry that your back broken by thieves liars fake ma 景觀設計n evil doers and more. ) . Then, he can be the winner, come again as man form to try his best to find his true love. Man needs to know that he has no room to committed marriage treason crime, once, committed that marriage treason crime, he has to divorce that woman as soon as possible in order to cut his tie with that treason crime, so that he can be a good loser to come again as a good woman.A man who can keep his pure virgin inside "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" pool to the end, will become the stone lie o 房屋二胎n the ground. A man used the name of God to slave and be slaved like Vatican showed, must have to go to the deepest hells with no chance to see day light again, unless they did do the "Tea.Ten.Sin.Dow" to kill (Because kill can always have God to agree with that killed, and kill can make that killer feel like he's God that matches the Image of God, and kill can stop that killed from keeping dragon down by Satan.)anyone in the most merciful way to free that anyone out of bady jail. A little man service that real st 個人信貸rong woman and guard that strong woman to keep pure virgin to the end, also keep himself pure virgin to the end, they both can come again and meet together like Chinese said "Inn.Moon.情侶", they are not couple, they are playing lover to each other all the time and help each other keep pure virgin to the end; then that female can become bright star hang above the sky, the male will become a Jade-precious stone like Chinese said "玉"-寶玉-寶石 (notice 玉石俱焚). That may explain how come even that naive boy "Job.寶玉" has to 結婚西裝go to the deepest hells, had he not indeed died "粉.Sheng.Sway.Goods" for the crime he committed wasted his life as the rich and famous family son, not ever indeed service anyone free of charge, not ever openly killed anyone in the most merciful way free of charge either, yet dare committed the heavy crimes of sex to more than one female dressed animals: one been slaved and the other not only slaved but also fake man liar evil doer involved heartless selfish lawless Godless plot that killed homeless helpless weak sick poor girl "LynnDie.玉" the most 襯衫miserable invisibly dark cruelty consequenced her must have to died less worth than a shit to those flowers buried by her. Therefore, you are man, you are not sure what you are, like that stupid bad ugly evil Angus Tung told to that stupid bad ugly evil shameless non-virgin whore (As per her own reported that she raped by her ex-husband) in that so called "Loose.Yu.Yo.約" TV program, you should join your military (That may explain how come the role in the novel "Lost Horizon" Mallinson must have to fall, because he must have no right to run without shot Conway first instead 酒店工作 of sinisterly forced Conway to bent to his suck. )or to work for them directly openly to save yourself from "Job.寶玉" "Lee.Shoot.Tone" lost-Lost Horizon-no way trace your life back. Man needs to be alerted that when he feels that a woman sees him like her God, he must not ever run to her (like God always not need to ask her or bother her for anything. That may explain how come the message from the formless side always sent into this world from ghost sight), no matter she's his sister or classmate or student or boss, and even when she runs to him, he must always remember not to touch he 房屋買賣r physically(To match the image of God. That how Eve seen Adam like her God consequenced birth of liar-evil doer to have that cold cold hard killed his own brother selfishly. That can tell you how Condi Rice-Chen Sin-Sue.Show.Nun's son "Lee Way" must be liar-evil doer, because that birth was given by Chen Sin eyed like her God her big brother figure "Chen.Kite.Ping"-"6.Wen.Zheng"-"Swen.Gwall.Chin"-that France President who bent to kiss Condi Rice claw nail or nails showed in the TV News broadcast. ) . .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋  .

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          2009 12 13 新流感 超級變態國家北韓的內憂貨幣改革史的人民痛苦不堪 現在有驚爆在歐巴馬訪問南韓時還有意圖用戰機威脅恐嚇 實在是畜生! 南韓媒體:北韓戰機曾威脅南韓海域 美國歐巴馬總統特使鮑斯渥斯9日在平壤訪問期間,北韓空軍一架戰鬥機曾逼近黃海南韓海域 個人信貸進行「威脅飛行」,當南韓空軍6架戰機緊急升空因應後,才悄然折返。南韓「中央日報」今天引述南韓軍方人士報導,9日上午9時35分左右,在北韓海州上空盤旋飛行的一架北 新成屋韓空軍戰鬥機突然南下,逼近黃海南北韓海域分界線,對南韓構成了「威脅飛行」。 南韓瑞山空軍基地的2架F-16戰機和水原基地的4架F-5戰機立即緊急出動,黃海前線基地也採取緊急待命行動?室內設計C當南韓空軍6架戰機緊急升空後,北韓這架戰機才悄然調頭,往北方飛去。 南韓軍方分析,北韓空軍戰機南下逼近海域分界線的意圖在於,向國際社會展現:目前朝鮮半島處於停戰狀態,亟待締結和平協定。軍方人士指出 結婚西裝,9日鮑斯渥斯(Stephen Bosworth)在平壤與北韓外務省第一副相姜錫柱晤談時,姜錫柱也強調了簽署和平協定的必要性。 >............................................................................................... 膠原蛋白.......................................... 驚爆!伊朗向台商 採購製核零件 最新的外電消息,美國情報單位證實,伊朗秘密研發核武設備,有部分精密的零件,居然取自台灣的公司,目前已經有超過100件的零件,已經送往伊朗;聯合國官員決定,對台灣展開調查。 個人信貸 根據美國情報單位掌握的資料,伊朗官方為了研發核武,和設廠在台灣的企業,進行了好幾次秘密會議,因為伊朗官方打算從台灣,購買超過上百件的壓力轉變器,這種設備,可以用來製造核子武器。 根據報導,伊朗轉向台灣購買這些零件,是因為伊朗製核,已經受到歐美和中國企業的聯合抵 酒店打工制,伊朗才會把採購目標,轉向台灣;目前採購的進度是,已經有上百具從台灣生產的壓力轉換器,被運到了伊朗首都德黑蘭;對於美國這個情報,聯合國相當重視,已經著手展開調查。 >............................................................................................................... 關鍵字行銷.......................... 傳美無人偵察機擊斃蓋達組織第3順位領導人 美國官員告訴法新社,美國派出無人偵察機在巴基斯坦西北部發動攻擊,擊斃一名蓋達組織高層領導人。 這名要求匿名的官員表示,無人偵察機本週稍早發動攻擊,遭到擊斃的人士在蓋達網絡當中屬於「比較高層」的人物。 美國在巴基斯坦部落區攻擊蓋達與塔利班組織(Ta 租房子liban)重要人物的轟炸行動規模越來越大,上述攻擊是其中一部分。 哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)電視台報導,遭到擊斃的是蓋達組織第3號人物利比(Abu Yahya al-Libi),但是無法立刻證實這項消息的真偽。 ....................................................................................................................................... 室內設計..  .

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          反對馬政府開放美國牛肉進口 (請轉寄) 反對馬政府開放美國牛肉進口 (請轉寄) 今年為牛 代償>年,美國在台協會台 澎湖民宿北辦事處長(AIT)楊甦棣今天表示, 台灣 保濕面膜在開放牛肉市場上的正面訊息令他們感到鼓舞,希望是在牛年年初, 東森房屋 台灣市場重新全面開放美國牛肉。 美國商會晚間舉辦「謝年飯」,邀請楊甦棣發表演講, 信用貸款 楊甦棣重申希望台灣市場重新開放美國牛肉, 讓台灣消費者能夠再一次購買美味、安全、帶骨的美國牛肉。 不願 房屋貸款具名的風險學者表示,吸菸會造成很多疾病, 有些可預警、可治療,有些不能; 人類狂牛症則「完全無法預警也無法治療」, 等發病後, G2000腦部已開始豆花化,這條命注定完了。 詹長權表示,美國牛肉的風險遠比菸更複雜, 是台灣目前不存在的風險,致病蛋白質prion若進入台灣環境中, 就會持?澎湖民宿穧s在下去,這點是動物健康界、公衛界比較在意的。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣房子  .

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