彭政閔無厘頭求婚 空姐女友爽快答應 彭政閔的「高人氣」除了球技要得之外,個性與形象都像「鄰家小孩」,陽光般笑容與隨和性情,親和力十足,彭政閔只要維持一定的打擊水平,馬上可以爭取到高居不下的選票,何況他 酒店工作又在人氣最佳的象隊,更具推波助瀾之力。 彭政閔最近神清氣爽的原因,不是票選第一,而是婚期近了,他即將在年底與愛情?室內裝潢禷]9年的空姐 女友成婚,彭政閔說:「我一直想要成家,讓自己步入另一個階段,這是另外一種責任的開始。」 「看見同樣年紀的隊友們,大都已經結 網路行銷婚了,而他們開口閉口都是自己的小孩。」彭政閔表示:「自己卻只能講家裡的愛狗。」原來彭政閔的「逼婚」不是女友,反而來自隊友滿口「家庭經」的壓力。至於求婚過 信用卡代償程,真的一點也不浪漫,有一次兩人一起看電視(忘記在看什麼節目),他無意間順口又提:「我們應該差不多(該結婚)了吧?」沒想到女友回答:「好啊!」「既然她都說可以了,那就開始準備吧 帛琉!」他傻笑說。何時要生「小恰恰」?他說還沒想這麼遠,只有兩個條件,一是他能生得出來,二是健康就好,男孩、女孩都一樣好,日前他姊姊生產,讓他首次有抱小孩的經驗,「感覺真的很好,如果是我的,更好!」 燒烤他羨慕地說。 恭喜!恰恰~ 另外,象隊吸收日前被獅隊讓渡的投手曹竣崵。有旅日經驗的曹竣崵,近年被定位中繼後援,今年球季一始,進行手肘骨刺清除手術。 象隊投手教練中入伸得知曹竣崵的近況,向球團表達希望邀他加盟。中入伸有信心在他 新成屋的「再生工廠」,等待曹的東山再起。兄弟象在三劍客合體之後,教練團還是對團隊的打擊不滿意,找來新洋砲阿布多(carlos alberto rivera)助陣,1日在牛象大戰賽前進行打擊練習,長程砲火打的不錯,象隊計畫讓阿布多打指定打擊,排在彭政閔後面保護他。阿布多是去年墨西 澎湖民宿哥聯盟打擊王,現年30歲,生於1977年6月10日,左投左打,身高約185公分,體重約111公斤,守備位置以一壘手為主,2003年與2004年兩年有大聯盟經驗,大聯盟出賽85場,打擊率2成18。他在小聯盟有11年經驗,打出123全壘打,打擊率2成89。去年阿布多轉戰墨西哥聯盟出賽101場,打擊率高 酒店經紀達4成10,16支全壘打,73分打點,象隊球團透過經紀人引薦找來了阿布多。5月31日阿布多才剛來台,隔天馬上隨隊到球場練習,賽前練習時就頻頻把球撈到外野深遠地帶或全壘打,讓教練團看了很滿意,由於阿布多的工作簽證還未下來,暫時無法比賽,如果可以比賽後,將會讓他打指定打擊,彭政閔守一壘、陳冠任去守右外野。 新成屋  .

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          ■小孩教育得第一 ■小孩教育得第一 2010-09-22 【成績和升學對未來的成功沒那麼大的影響.............】 葉老師訓練的小孩,不僅 輕鬆考上理想大學, 還能夠最快找到賺大錢的好工作..............(市面上的各種天才訓練機構,不包含最快找到賺大錢的好工作,只負責考上理想大學而已, 因為只是 關鍵字廣告考試機器.........................) ------------------------------------------ 最近這幾年,那些考滿分的小孩、提早上大學的小孩、天才資優的小孩..................... 還沒有看到很快找到好工作的報?烤肉氶A原因就是沒有實力的【強項】項目............ 也就是說,考試考第一,不見得能有很好的工作,因為競爭者太多。 只有實力第一的【強項】項目,可以最快找到賺大錢的好工作............ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲?室內設計間間間間間間間黑鰶}校門、離開家門、離開鐵飯碗、離開大樹,就算出來混了。 混什麼?凡人眼裡不過是功名利祿。 【功名利祿】是什麼? 就是...........可以最快找到賺大錢的好工作............ 面對現實吧!!!!!! 不要在執迷不悟...................... 房地產......讀自己的書,根本 不必去理會學校的課業.....................「學校」只是讀書的工具之一,不是讀書的全部。學校的課業成績只是參考而已,不是小孩的實力。 也就是說,學校的考試沒有什麼意義,根本不必去理會。 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲?烤肉食材間間?
▲  目前國內只有 葉老師有一套最完整的 訓練實力【強項】項目的讀書計畫................. 從出生......到大學畢業.........成功就業............... ▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ----------------------------------------- 關鍵字行銷-------------------------------------- 葉老師專門訓練小孩的教育得第一: 1. 最快找到賺大錢的好工作:這是家長最想要的目標。  葉老師的小孩就是典型的例子。 ======================================== 目前已經有一家一流的電腦公司, 希望葉老師的小孩(目前要升大四 襯衫)可以去工作,這家電腦公司幾乎都是台大的學歷,且要碩士以上程度............ ======================================== 【讀書本來就是為了賺大錢,否則不必去讀書................】 2. 輕鬆考上理想大學:盡量睡飽、盡量遊玩。 3. 教育花費最少:集中重點讀書。 4. 非常正常的小孩教育:教改最大收益者。讀自己的書,根本 不必去理會學校?吳哥窟瑤珝~.....................「學校」只是讀書的工具之一,不是讀書的全部。學校的課業成績只是參考而已,不是小孩的實力。 也就是說,學校的考試沒有什麼意義,根本不必去理會。 ======================●兒子就讀「國立台灣科技大學」(保送) ●女兒就讀「中國科技大學」(技優推甄) ======================================== 『投資兒童就是投資未來』............. 房地產.............. 在葉老師部落格裡,可以找到完整的讀書計畫................. 聯絡電話 : (02) 2469-7152 2528-4589 0955-910-474 葉老師葉老師部落格 : 葉老師電腦葉老師部落格 : 2469-7152電腦網路查詢 : 葉心寬電腦網路查詢 : 葉添水   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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          從香港米其林談「食物本位」 最近在港澳餐飲界最大的事莫過於港澳版的米其林評鑑了,得獎名單出爐後引起各方評論,不過貶多於褒,甚至許多在地人士認為根本無法代表出道地 建築設計的粵菜飲食文化。好巧不巧,前陣子正好去了香港一趟,也很幸運的吃了其中一家餐廳 信用貸款(一星鏞記),或許以偏概全,但與許多在地美食相比,星級餐廳似乎很難獲得壓到性勝利,也了解到這些香港 seo的立場跟外來的輪胎寶寶是大大不同。 個人絕對相信入選餐廳的主廚絕對都是一等一的高手,裝潢也都無庸置疑,而這些條件也 網路行銷是米其林評選的考量因素。此外,這些餐廳展現在外國人或是觀光客前,絕不丟臉。但是談到食物本身是否「道地」,就成為了關鍵的爭議點。首先,地方特色並 節能燈具非米其林評鑑重點,因此許多人氣美食自然SAY GOODBYE,當然引起在地人不滿。其次,米其林評審多為外國人,口味大不同,結果讓人詬病也不意外了。 再看看筆者自己的例子:鏞記 術後面膜燒鵝名滿天下,餐廳榮獲一星,外國客不少,卻在失望之餘,誤打誤撞踏進另一家生平吃過最好吃的燒鵝店,但是這家店永遠進不了米其林。原因?它光用餐環境就足以被米其林擋在門口十輩子… 21世紀房屋仲介 米其林一星鏞記金牌燒鵝            V.S.        筆者心中滿天星燒鵝        最近在廣播上聽到美食家梁幼祥先生的一段評論,他認為目前許多的餐廳雖然有著漂亮的外表, 永慶房屋 但往往忽略了「食物的本位」—是否好吃?是否讓人感動?聽了之後心有戚戚焉,若以這單純的出發點來看,米其林的確無法引起大多數東方人的共鳴阿! 記得數年前當日本米其林發表時,同樣的跌破許多當地美食家的眼鏡。以筆者淺見,若是由此觀 房地產之,似乎出了歐洲的輪胎寶寶在世界美食之旅中是顛簸的,雖然它所設立的嚴苛準則成為了美食界的聖經,但「美味道地」是任何標準都難以評論的,也因此讓這本指南在異鄉變成了一本給「外國人吃的異國風味參考書」。因此,如何讓米其林更融入當地「食的文化」,是個大哉 591問!  .

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          漫遊奈良古都 - 上篇 因為飛行里程數去年底不兌換就被取消, 在去年九月早早就訂好今年一月初的大阪自由行..( 中間幾個月根本沒有免費的座位..超難預訂的), 從頭到尾我都把時間記成8:55 起飛, 害總裁被廣播.. 我被唸了好久~ Check in 時被升等到商務艙, 但餐點忘了升等..波音747的樓上 一下飛機, 很快就出關, 商務艙果然有差..行李也 訂做禮服在前面就出來了, 計劃直接殺到奈良, 出機場一樓很多巴士可以搭乘, 從圖表可以看得出來. 我們預備搭乘九號12:40 前往奈良, 看板標示得很清楚 前往奈良的巴士來了 直接坐到近鐵奈良站約90分鐘, 離我們住的飯店較近 到了車站問一下飯店的所?情趣用品b地, information 案所的人都很熱心, 給地圖告訴你該如何走.大概走了10-15分鐘, 終於找到我們的飯店了 Hotel New Wakasa 還沒到check in 時間, 飯店的人很熱心給我們熱毛巾和一杯溫熱的茶 放好行李, 我們先步行到最近的東大寺逛逛, 我們直接從東大寺側門進 關鍵字行銷入, 離飯店最近 首先進入眼底的戒壇院, 位於石階的盡頭, 目前的廳堂是西元1732年重建. 東大寺境內的地圖, 可以慢慢地逛 東大寺世界上最大的木造古建築, 距今約有一千兩百多年的歷史 因為位於平成京東側的大寺, 故稱東大寺, 也是世界文化遺產 東大寺的大佛殿前, 原來堂前佇立一個金銅?房地產K角燈籠, 但我們去的時候已經空無一物.. 優美的建築和法相莊嚴的佛像, 難怪吸引世界各地的人前往 大佛殿上的大佛高約15公尺, 重約452噸的銅造巨大佛像 現在的大佛是西元1709年重新建造, 最早的原型僅剩底座蓮瓣部份 大佛左右兩邊有金剛力士的立像, 高度超過八公尺, 為雕刻名師運慶和快慶的作品, 逼真憤怒的表 裝潢情果真栩栩如生 面對大佛右邊有個柱子, 柱子的根部開了跟大佛鼻孔一樣的洞, 傳聞穿過此洞可以帶來好運, 我是被拖出來的..實在是太大了 鏡湖旁的鹿一直跟著我, 我又沒東西可以餵說, 害我有點怕怕 離開大佛殿往三月堂方向, 有個屋簷造型奇特古老的鐘樓 前往二,三月堂兩旁的石燈籠 三月堂東大寺裡最古老的建築物建於西元746年, 因每年 婚禮顧問農曆三月在此地舉行法華會, 故稱三月堂. 如舞台般優美的二月堂, 重建於西元1669年. 二月堂的舞台可以俯瞰東大寺和奈良市區 因為農曆二月會在此舉行取水節, 故稱二月堂, 我來祈福了~ 二月堂的吊燈龍別有一番風格 東大寺的正門, 國寶級的南大門, 於西元1203年重建 千年古都奈良, 真的是鹿的極樂天堂 夜深了走回飯店, 一進入房間就看到可愛的鹿對我微 澎湖民宿笑 訂和式的房間內部很寬敞, 去日本還是喜歡睡禢褟米 廁所都是小小的但很乾淨 洗手台在外面 內部有個小陽台 我最愛的日本料理, 看到滿滿的整桌就覺得好幸福 吃飽了把餐桌收拾好, 服務員來幫我們舖床 休息一陣子, 準備去大浴場泡湯囉, 因為整個飯店只有我們這組客人, 所以不客氣一個人佔用了 豐盛的日本料理早餐, 一整天都有元氣 一群鹿正在公園裡慵懶地曬太陽 決定租單車由奈良市 租房子, 飯店的服務生告訴我們在哪可以租單車, 一天¥800 ,電動¥1600? 老闆好心的告訴我們使用方法, 我當然是騎電動的 前往興福寺曾是藤原的家族寺廟, 這是奈良和平安時期其間最具影響力的家族, 於西元710年重新建立. 國寶館, 用鋼筋水泥仿造重現食堂, 收藏佛像, 佛畫, 古文書籍等國寶, 還有著名的阿修羅像. 需要門票¥500 五重塔, 光明皇后所創建, 目前的塔是西元1426年所建的, 為日本第二高的五重塔, 高度為5 婚禮佈置0.1公尺. 忽然陽光灑進來..真是好看. 我看起來變高了~ 東金堂, 盛武天皇祈願元正天皇疾病痊癒所興建的堂, 西元1415年重建. 南?堂, 藤原冬飼為其父所見得八角圓堂, 重建於1789年. 奇怪..每次都敲不出聲音來~ 旁邊也有個小小的鐘樓 下一站來到猿澤池, 原為興福寺錢的放生池, 周圍大約360公尺. 人家是漫步欣賞池畔風景..我是騎著單車, 一路跌跌撞撞, 很怕掉到池裡 池的四周種有柳樹 經過著名的老舖料理旅館菊水樓, 前往春 燒烤日大社  .

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          20090408 合購美食~試吃品:胖哥小舖的麻辣鴨血花枝丸 歡迎來加入喔~偶滴FB粉絲專頁 這次是個試吃付費活動,廠商提供的選擇很多, 拿回來的戰利品如下,加上5元雜費也不過65元來著,超貼心的呢! 辣味蘿蔔免費試吃品一份  0元 辣味 好房網酸菜免費試吃品一份  0元 小辣麻辣鴨血一人份   20元 中辣麻辣鴨血一人份   20元 花枝丸、蝦丸試吃品   20元 首先是“辣味蘿蔔?結婚捉警獢赤熙‘驉G 蘿蔔乾有小魚干&黑豆鼓, 蘿蔔是蠻脆的,不過吃起來只有鹹鹹的而已不夠香, 反而外面便當店附贈的我還比較喜歡。 酸菜約中辣,初入口時也覺得很鹹, 不 辦公室出租過脆度是夠的,如果再酸一點及甜一點更好。 兩樣整個倒出來想一次吃也吃不完, 試吃能給這樣的量,誠意十足。 小辣麻辣鴨血: 直接開封倒入鍋內,加一些些水加熱, 再次驗證老闆很大方,雖是 信用貸款試吃品鴨血還是送了五大塊! 每塊都很厚實沒有一點腥味,雖有入味稍嫌老了些, 湯頭濃醇度一般,不會太鹹但也不會太香。 花枝丸、蝦丸: 兩種丸子本身已熟都很大顆, 花枝丸新鮮的魚漿有彈性, 裹在裏頭的花枝吃起來脆 燒烤脆的, 就好像現燙的一樣,很好吃! 蝦丸雖不像花枝丸吃起來口感那麼清脆, 但丸裏的蝦仁好幾隻, 只能用“豐富”兩字形容。 全部裏面我只鐘愛丸子,因為實在太出乎意外的好吃了。 回購率:80% Ihergo網站:http://www.ihergo.com/sto 辦公室出租re/park101 ※ 白飯的好搭檔~鴨血腸旺臭豆腐回味區: 20081025 合購美食~謝爸爸私房菜~超下飯的五更腸旺 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=167&prev=789&next=101&l=f&fid=71 20090307 合購美食~源師父拿手菜Part 2~腸 褐藻醣膠旺臭豆腐 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=3602&prev=3604&next=3596&l=f&fid=71 合購美食~福宴五更腸旺 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=7998&prev=-1&next=7987 合購美食~試吃品:辣上癮 長灘島麻辣鴨血 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=8390&prev=-1&next=8383 合購美食~深坑廟口王水成老店 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=10558&prev=-1&next=10538 試吃品:衝喜-鴨飽麻辣 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s 濾桶8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=10912&prev=-1&next=10900 合購美食~深坑老街萬吉豆腐美食 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=16840 合購美食~【香】正宗口味千里尋臭豆腐(原千里香) http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid 會場佈置=18700  .

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          轉載-李公書文與八極大槍 李公書文與八極大槍文:郭肖波  八極拳自傳世以來,首傳的吳鐘就以一桿大槍在北京打出神槍吳鐘的美譽,其後歷代都有以槍技聞名於世的高手。而近代最為著名的則非神槍李書文莫屬。   李公書文活躍在清末民初,那個時代練武的人仍然保留著練武的古風:武術訓練是器械和拳腳並重,甚至器械的訓練更重於拳腳的訓練。因為無論是從軍、保家、自衛,或是武人間的比試,都是以器械為主、拳腳為輔。   部落格 據 馬明達 教授告之:當年其父,馬公鳳圖,在天津成立中華武士會,廣邀當代武術名家參加。形意拳的李公存義帶了幾十個學生來,聲勢之浩大實為魁首。身為滄州出來的武術家,馬公鳳圖決定邀請李公書文代表滄州武術界。李公到達之時,前面是兩個徒弟高舉著一對油亮亮、紮著紅布、李公從不離身、賴以吃飯的一對大槍,後面跟著的是神彩飛揚的神槍李本人 部落格。李公的後面又跟著十幾位滄州的武術家。人數或許不多,但是都是在北五省有名有號的高手;如霍殿閣、崔常九諸人。陣容之整齊、實力之堅強,很替滄州武術界、尤其是替八極拳露了臉。李公書文進了會館,先將兩桿槍安置好、上香祭拜之後,這才和其他人招呼。態度上可以說是眼無旁人、俾倪群雄了。   由這段歷史裏可以看出李公書文當時在滄州武術界的領導地位,另方面可以 膠原蛋白看出李公對槍、槍技重視的程度,以及李公書文槍技藝術登峰造極的成就。   據家師劉公雲樵所述:李公書文每日練習槍法分早、中、晚三次,從不間斷。當年李公住在劉公家裏授藝,以及攜劉公到山東訪友這十多年,陪著 李 老師練槍幾乎是劉公的日課。劉公說:所謂的練槍就是兩個人對扎,而且李公態度非常認真,練習就是比試,出手絕不留情。劉公回憶:當年被老師扎得疼的受不了,就 G2000提著槍、翻牆而逃,李公在後追趕著打,不容許他喘息。劉 公說李 老師有「能逃、但是絕不能丟槍」的規矩。後來師徒倆住在黃縣那兩年,劉公和六合螳螂拳的師兄弟們年紀相若,喜歡和他們玩在一起,每天趁 李 老師沒起床就先溜出去了,所以 李 老師老找著下人追問:「雲樵呢?雲樵呢?」讓 李 老師在背後遭別人取笑。   由於練槍極為勤奮,李公書文的槍技出神入化,文字記載的也很多;例如槍扎蒼蠅、槍 G2000尖挑著車輪轉、槍拔木釘等等,這些在滄縣縣誌裏有詳細記載。這些故事專在李公槍技功力上強調,在此談談李公書文槍技的其他表現。   劉公教大槍時,常說李師祖練槍的基礎功夫特別強調黑鷂、白鷂和扎。徐雨辰老先生(米連科的弟子,曾隨師在夏鶴一部隊教拳,並受李公書文指點)在一九八九年武林第五期裏曾刊登一文,也是說李公書文教槍特別注重拿、攔、扎的功夫。這個拿、攔就是劉公所說的黑鷂、白鷂,也常叫封、閉。 徐老 先 土地買賣生文內記載:李公書文用拿、攔,稍一用力就把對方的槍擠開,而槍頭就拄在對方胸口或咽喉。若是李公書文用拿、攔時說聲「走」,一定把對方的桿子從手裏拉走。若是對方死握著不放手,那麼就連人帶桿子撲倒於地。百試百中、堪稱一絕。李公這種把槍從對方手中抽出來的功夫,可以說是槍圈纏黏勁的極致表現。   在扎法方面,劉公說李師祖和他對槍常用子午槍扎虎口,而且出手必中,中了、槍就脫手,當然對方的手背被扎得青紫處處。這也是劉公怕 和 信用貸款李 老師扎槍的原因之一,他老人家出手不留情啊!你愈是防得好,他攻得愈是猛,時常要受傷。   以上的故事,當事人都以此認為 李 老師出手快狠。其實這還是李公和學生玩玩,出手已經是多有保留。據 馬明達 教授敘述其父所說的故事,李公書文和別人動手可就更狠啦。李公書文在天津中華武士會和人比試槍技時,只要對方稍稍一動,李公疾步欺身、兩手穿梭換把,一槍就扎在對方面門上,出槍快、狠,而且動手就見紅。馬公鳳圖說當年許多武術名家就是敗在李公這手槍法之下。這 部落格招槍技叫做「闖鴻門勢」,在紀效新書裏記載「乃拋梭槍法。身隨槍進,閃坐剁攔,捉攻硬上……故用長以短,節節險嫩。就近身尺餘,法便不老。此用長之妙訣,萬古之秘論也。」這招闖鴻門是長槍短用的典型,而且是槍法裏剛中之剛的險招。李公書文和人試槍常用闖鴻門勢和單殺手,出手疾快、一生傷人無數。   在徐雨辰老先生的文章裏說到:夏鶴一對李公教拳的保守有點心結。有次夏鶴一在酒後,拿著槍問李公書文什麼是「壓脖槍」?當時夏鶴一的態度很傲慢,而且很不客氣的突然出手。李公立刻用拿槍把 部落格夏的槍撥開,佯刺夏的咽喉。夏往右偏頭,李公就用桿子壓著夏的左肩,順手一按,夏就跌個狗吃屎。李公頗有寓意的說:「這就是壓脖槍。」當然事後李公就捲舖蓋、辭館回家啦。從這故事裏可以看到李公和一般人玩槍,根本不拘泥於什麼槍技、什麼招勢,他的槍技已經到隨心所欲、見機應變的境界了。我們看這段歷史,對李公「人在屋簷下、依然不低頭」的硬頸風骨,油然興起無上的敬意。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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          似拉拉幼犬~有獨特橘虎斑~真正的小老虎送養~ 基本資料 姓名:維尼&跳跳虎 性別:女生  年齡:約2~3個?苗栗旅遊?健康狀況:良好,已驅蟲 送養單 賣房子位:台灣大學關懷生命社 更多照片:h 酒店經紀ttp://album.blog.yam.com/ntudogs&folder=7074557 小故事 風光 網路行銷明媚的河堤邊,孩子們在草地上嬉戲 許多人騎著自行車愜意地欣賞這片美景 但在一旁的草叢 室內裝潢裡,卻有許多生命為了活下去而奮鬥著 懷生社自去年9月開始每周清晨在板橋華江橋河堤進行TNR計畫 至 酒店打工今已絕育了至少25隻以上的母狗 但縣政府一聲令下,河堤成了捕犬隊重點捕捉區域 無數的犬隻被捕捉,無數的生命默默地消失。 由於社團 婚禮佈置已有太多小狗,無力再負荷河堤的幼犬 希望能夠在下星期將她們放回河堤前,為她們找到一個家 維尼長得非常可愛,有著拉拉的毛色 跳跳虎不同於一般?ARMANI漯窵部A有著較深橘色的毛色 由於從小在河堤草叢裡長大,兩個小朋友還有些怕生 只要經過一段時間相處後,一定會變成親人可愛的幼犬 聯絡方式 0985051789  黃同學 室內設計0928565788 ra_men_energy@hotmail.com_________________台大懷生社 邀請您一起關心流浪動物議題 http://blog.yam.com/ntudogs http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=30278 房地產0  .

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          XXXXXXX:鳩谷阿嬤心繫林投樹復育 XXXXXXX:鳩谷阿嬤心繫林投樹復育 永慶房屋an> 住商房屋 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/artic 西裝le/url/d/a/090317/5/1g6nf.html You need to kill that 酒店打工 "Loud.Are.Boot.4..4.Way.賊" that committed the crime to take awa 酒店工作y wild wild plant and wild wild animals's living space.  You don't respect wi 土地買賣ld animals and wild plant living right, you must have no right to deserve Chinese said "Phone.Tyao.Yu.Swen" 591. Therefore, I realized how come God only spared Noah and those animals brought by Noah into Noah's Ark to get a live, because the 找房子rest left behind must all man made hells. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋出租  .

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          Taiwanese you need tell Communist to do better Taiwanese need tell China Communist to respect the right every one's intitled freedom of speech. The difference is public officials must resign or be fired when their words or form too suck to damage public image, the civilians just can express whatever the minded or sucked, like or not, official must have the strength to face it, government has the right to spy civilians but has no right to block or seal their voice, as long as they speak out by words typed, written, printed, not violently close to anyone's body physically, their public official must have the strength to take, face, tolerate it; public official lack of such strength must be jailed 24/7/365 lifetime, because those weakness out of man power to cure, must be either jailed life time or be killed; why they must be jailed? because they are the one who must have the freedom to choose be public official or civilians, they chose to own public official showed serious unfitted fact lacking of self control strength, lacking of strength to respect other's intitled right, they must be jailed like MouJerDong's woman "John.Chin" had jailed; only civilians have the right to waste tax payers's money to have freedom to be spied; public officials abusiveness or suspected treason linking to underground chained slavery terrorist agent or terrorist self must be jailed lifetime or be killed. This may explain how come Reagon volunteer jailed himself inside his own private garden lifetime after stepping down; how come Cartar be able to guardless wondering around; because they both suspected linked to underground chained slavery terrorist; Cartar did not bend to anyone of them, did not abuse his public power to use "Hay.What" to seek or force or order or contact any one of them like BillClinton had sucked. This may explained how come Bill Clinton must stayed away from Hillary Clinton, because Hillary Clinton must not willing to be jailed lifetime with Bill Clinton, this may explain how come Hillary Clinton wearing co-president and first lady titled shamelessly run down to scare NewYorkers to bend to her to send her into US Senate to keep her sucking. Government official must respect civilians totally freedom of speech as long as that speech is in writing form, official can spy any suspected civilians, must not obstruct any one of them intitled CIVIL right; your spy not good enough to be able to spy them, you just need to respect your "Dway.So" more intelligent than you, you are like "Bi.Jun.Zhi.John", you must either step down or hire t 代償hat one who out of your ability to watch him to be your head. They have no right to block my freedom of speech simply because I am American as long as they allow any one of their civilians to come to USA, because they have no right to give those suckers who afford to come to USA more wide eye sight the same time to take away their poor or powerless people the opportunity to listen to a "May.Gwall.Lousy" 's good or hostile mind. Because your enemy is less evil than your ass kissers, your enemy is more honest to you than your ass kissers. Not mention "Zhi.G.Zhi.B" common rule. Taiwanese needs to tell US Congress that one of their members Hillary Clinton is too sucks, should be jailed or killed, because she did not do her either either first lady duty or co-president duty to watch Bill Clinton faithfully for Americans when he's out of public eyes; she has run to bother US civilians grouped place like Hollywood to buy or force or threaten them to hand her their pockets to fun or fund her ego lawless Godless unknown agenta; she has showed seen American civil right freedom of speech like nothing to throw stone to Imus. Not mention she's too stupid bad ugly evil to know that she has no right to defense her man's fucks no matter it was Paula Jones, Jennifer Flower, Monica Lewisky or beyond, all a woman can speak out for her man only to tell the public that how good her man has been showed to her behind the close door or behind the public eyes. It looked she has nothing good about him to tell behind the close door or behind the public eyes, she's a suck wife, worse than any good desperate wife, she has no right to represent any one of them. Her abusiveness beyond mankind, out of man power's available lesson, should be jailed or be killed immediately. Because both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton committed unspeakable treason crimes, Bill Clinton's self official words on record " depends on [is] or [yes]" and Bill Clinton's defense witness official words on US Senate floor " not for sex indeed for six(sex); not for money indeed for mommy(money)", and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton should have had moved out of White House after US House passed the impeachment officially, because White House Head once lost US House trust, he must move all his personal links out of White HOuse no matter what, in Senate Floor his trial only for crime sentence, the Senate spared him must because Monica Lewisky admitted that the oral sex was her volunteer 租屋網service. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton took advantage of naive Hollywood and Black American's weakness to shield them to hostage US law makers and US military brave warriors , their treason crimes worse than Saddam honestly respected those kids and woman volunteerly shield him outside his palace ground, this may explain how come US law makers must tolerate your stupid bad ugly evil ChenSuiBian's treason crime that he ordered his slaved to back or gurad him as the form of "Chain.Sold.Who.Tie.Won". You Taiwanese must know that your President has no right to follow USA's low lower lowest suckers, he dared to do like that, you must at least like US HOuse to have the guts to do your duty to impeach him. You need to know if you cannot be better than USA, you cannot be good enough to lead China Communist. Because USA is not good enough to lead China Communist. Taiwanese, you need tell China Communist that Chinese is the best or one of the best good traditional nation or nations, they need to keep the good Chinese traditions to keep China long live. They need to know during China long life dynasty time, no parents ever block or ban the freedom of kids voicing, parents only tell kids what words not proper to use, they could not have the force to ban the kids to use, this may explain how come so many kids or even adults still used to use dirty words like "Ta.Mar.Duh" or something like those hatred words, communist tolerate themself or their kids disgustingly spill those words, why ban the normal words that Chinese or half or one third Chinese like me had or have used to tell the fact or view or mind? You need ask China Communist to use common sense and brain cell to know that they may ban words, they must out of man power to ban rumor or secret voice under grounded, the more forceful they ban, the more evil the underground growing big, they need to know the voice by writing most likely the more intelligent people have more chance to read, the rumor or underground voice most likely the stupid bad ugly evil to take in and spreading invisibly, therefore, the readers most likely have more brain cell than the undergrounded, if China Communist so afraid freed writing voice, they must make sure that they have the man force to ban all of Chinese live individual isolated like me. TAiwanese, you need tell China Communist that there's no convenient way to build a strong good Nation, extremist could not have long earth life, extremist either so good like me to back to heaven or G2000so evil like JungShiauLin falling into deepest hells. (Yes, JungShiauLin is the most evil out of anyone imagination, that any one of course including me, because I have tried to figure out what hell the fucking he had made to me those past long years days before Dec. 21. 2004, I had never touched his private place as it was in soft spot form, he not fucking for mankind love, he not fucking for animal sex desire, what the hell he made that place out of the soft spot? I did not have any more thought about those fucks at that time, now I look back find out it was indeed a doubt how could JungShiauLin have had made those fucks to me more than unknown times at the same before bed time when I was in deep mad about his affair with "Li.Yan" 's crimes. I don't hate him, I felt disgusting, then goose pumps like Chinese told "不寒而慄" while looking back to those hell days fucking stuff. Therefore, I realized how come God allowed me falling into JungShiauLin's evil trap, so that to tell you that woman or female is second to man or male, even the evil dive those female dressed animals is second to male JungShiauLin. This may explain how come the Devil is in heaven instead of in hells. How come heaven need Devil to be there? so that to balance God's uncondition love to dragon evil Eve and foolish Adam out of heaven to make sure heaven out of stupid bad ugly evil doers.). Therefore, in order to have your nation long earth life, you need do like Confucius wise words "Boot.Duh.Zhong.Sing.Are.Yu.Zhi.Be.Yell.Kwon.Jyuan.Who.Kwon.Jer.Jean.Chyu.Jyuan.Jer.Yo.Swall.Boot.way." That Government must have the strength and determination to do all the man power can have to spy, watch, guard, care all its people instead of taking away their intitled freedom of speech or freedom to do good things righteously. Therefore, Taiwanese, you need have an unselfish righteous mankind team to speak to every nation's law makers to ask them that China Communist has not respected their people's intitled freedom speech right like China traditional good dynasty had done, has not respected their people's freedom to do good things to speak whatever honestly from their own mind, from their own thought or doubt, how could they dare to think China Communist would respect theirs? China Communist has not honor or respected those unselfish unknown Chinese heroes that built Republic of China to free all Chinese people from hells how dare they think China Communist would respect theirs? How dare they ignore their duty to gua 關鍵字排名rd their people's interests to allow any China Communist master, slaves to stay in any corner of their territory, instead of fighting nonsensely in front of lawless U.N. digusting fucking place or buying underground chained slavery terrorist heartless loveless suck. Why you must have unselfish righteous mankind available to speak for you? Because only good can win evil doers, less evil has no chance to win evil doers, if you Taiwanese has no unselfish righteous mankind leadership team can win the world wide trust, no one dare to hold you up, they all rather bend to evil China Communist to exchange the more time to leave. Taiwanese, you need use your brain cell and common sense to see things through independently, do not fooled by underground chained slavery terrorist your enemy within "Huang Whore" so called "Tie.Do" 分子. Do you recall some of the report reported that the retreated military from China into TAiwan looked like homeless tirely broken? Why they showed those poorness in front of you? Don't you know that how good will those military members had showed to you that they were totally arrived your place unforcefully like God and Devil have respected all mankind. Those "Huang.Whore" capable to make WWI WWII, how dare you think they dare not to make so called "228"??? Taiwanese, you need to tell China Communist that they must either accept Republic of China back to Mainland China or they must accept you divorce Republic of China, just like I reject JungShiauLin to step in my living area, I must respect his right to divorce me. You need to tell people around the world that you have the right to divorce Republic of China if China Communist lacks of good will to welcome Republic of China back to Mainland; Because Republic of China not equals TAiwan, Republic of China must cover all Chinese territory, Republic of China has waited long enough for China Communist to learn the lesson to know what a good nation must be, if they are out of mankind to learn the lesson to know your good will, you must be honestly accept the reality to divorce Republic of China to called your self "The Nation of Taiwan" as it is. Therefore, law makers around the world, you must re-write the divorce rule, when the man or woman(if she does not believe in God like I do) file divorce, you must always grant the divorce first, then talk or dispute other issues about custody bank account or whatever may concern any one of them no matter what; because when the marriage still in stake, the Court should not have anything to do with their "Ja( ARMANIcket).5.Shi.". Violence is not in the so called "Ja(cket).5.Shi." arrange. When violence ever happened between a man and a woman, the police must always order that man to leave that woman alone and demand that man must keep distance from that woman afterward no matter he's her dad or spouse. Because woman is second to man, man has no right to take advantage of weak woman's disadvantage. Taiwanese, you need to know that in this world the good will be always the winner no matter it is a game or a war, and no matter it is a game or war, the less evil will be always lose to evil doer, the difference is game can have many times to play again, win or lose not indeed matters; war has all losers or all winners, therefore, the good must win, otherwise all losers only no winner. Therefore, no matter how small minority you may look alike, you are good, you will be winner, because your good win means every body win, you good lose means every one lose. Keep Chinese good words "擇善固執". Therefore, when use force, must absolutely root with good will, because evil doer nonforcement show off can have both Devil and God respect, therefore, you must have good will to get God's love and with righteousness to have Devil and God agree with you to get good result. This may explain how come US military helped Japan and W.Germany to re-build up after WWII and now help Afgh and Iraq to be re-building. How come US gots attacked from Afgh Taliban? It was a cost they must pay to get the justice done (like Chinese said "Ten.Won.Wheel.Wheel.Sue.Are.Boot.Load. Boot.Zhi.Boot.Bow.Shi.Hole.Way.Dow" ) that they selfishly left Afgh like left a useless tool behind after Afgh helped them to win last century war, seeing Afgh hardship like nothing while USA more than capable to help them to be better off without a doubt. Why you Taiwanese must love or respect (if you just lack of the heart to love) Republic of China always? Because Republic of China was built only because of you to get born. In China long life dynasty time, except 清 Dynasty, they all exchanged hand from one military kind formed group to another alike, only 清 was finished by so called "Bi.5.Ill.用.Duh.書生". Why? Because 清 Dynasty 分割 (you need know the difference between 分割 and rental of a certain area of the land) Taiwan from China to Japan Kingdom under force is like a parents SOLD out kids to slaved, that made all "5. 用.Duh.書生" could not have their heads up in fornt of the foreign places, therefore, they all giving up their better materialized life style to fight the disgusti 西裝外套ng, distasteful, unhuman kind 清 Dynasty and unselfishly made Republic of China for all Chinese not followed previous dynssty falling routine to establish more dynasty. TAiwanese, 清 dynasty may have had seen you like nothing, those "5. 用.Duh.書生" who collapsed 清 dynasty to build Republic of China seeing you more important than their own lifes. Therefore, Taiwanese, no matter how you dislike or like Republic of China, you must not allow your personal limited lifetime selfish emotional above your future generations's interests and the coming unlimited or unknown years better off; you must demand or help your politicians make righteous choice for all of you like Chinese said "Gwall.5.Yuan.Lyu.Be.Yo.Jean.Yo.", therefore, even you as Taiwanese like to divorce Republic of China to build the Nation of TAiwan, you must do it the brave, right way to help Republic of China back to Mainland China first, because Republic of China is like the parents of Mainland China, parents can divorce kids only because the kids want the parents to leave them alone, therefore, you must have Mainland Chinese to vote to leave Republic of China, China Communist is unlawfully gangster, cannot represent all Mainland Chinese, unlawful root cannot have lawful fruits, therefore, you cannot have any lawful result out of China Communist vote, you just have no way out of hell if you don't have the determination to lead or defeat the China Comunist first. You lack of the ability to lead or defeat China Communist, when you are still under Republic of China unbrella, you can always have your intitled right to balance your disadvantage size, once you lose your intitled right, how could you have the ability to deal with unable defeated Communist gangster? Like Chinese said "天助自助者", we must help self first in order to get God's bless, how could you not be righteous first to expect or ask any other man power to lend you righteous hands? How could you get good future from unrighteous loan? Therefore, if you can have big heart leader like MouJerDong, you may have good opportunity to have "May.Mon(gol).Chen.Zhen" sooner or later, if you can only get someone who does not like dream to lead you, you must like Chiang Kai-Shake to close your border not allow any China Communist people to get contact with any one of your residents around the world. Because Communist people used to bend to force, any contact provide your enemy within the invisible underground chained slavery to use China Communist unbeatable 人海 as their forceful tools to finish all your naive, innocent, good b 土地買賣etter best citizens invisibly without a trace to figure out how they are all gone. Slave is slave, slave cannot know how to lead, this may explain how come traditional Chinese parents not used to beat kids, kids can only beat when every means have had tried to educate him or her failed to help him or her understand how to do thing better or correct mistakes left no other way but force. Because once kids bend to force, the kids cannot respect free mind, this is why you must not force citizen to service in the military, you must respect them to make free decision, you must have the good will to tell them how why what they are welcome and better join military, then respect them like to join or dislike to be left alone. Slave not a shame, because to be slave not anyone's free choice, slave parents cannot have kids with free mind, because slave cannot give good "Tie.Jyao", the kids already lost the free mind once born by slaves, slave can be good slave, they just need to have honest brave to admit self slave link unfit to be leader but is the best one to service good generals. Woman should stay home, I don't mean to offense any feminie, I just tell you all woman, stay home is the only way you can help your man and yourself to be better, this may explain how come God allowed my mom beat me every day when I was too young to have school to educate me, because I was too wild to stay home, I don't know if my mom's beating help me to dislike to be leader or I just have good sense to dislike to be put up to be anyone's head, but I do know that my mom's force did not hurt my free mind a bit, why? because I did not run from my mom's beat, did not against my mom's beat, why? because I just have the good sense to know my mom truely love me, my mom is a really good person, I am the one fear anyone who's better than me (this may explain how come we must be Godfearing; and also explain how come I was so fearing in the dark, must because so much or many good ghost surrounding me before I even had the idea of God, I don't fear or rarely fear the ghost now, must because I get strength from God making me better than all or most of them) and not fear the one who's worse than me (this may explain how come I dared fight JungShiauLin and run from his evil violence when I was left with no other option in Honduras; therefore, those I had bent to have sex without my real love like that Jack What, must be the only less evil option available to me at that time, had I did not follow Jack What to have sex with him there must have had had been worse out of imagination. This ma 宜蘭民宿y explain how come I left my sweetheart JoneLee alone and lied to him with Chu.Chao.Ren's name instead of indeed it was Danny that I run down to meet, because I knew my sweetheart JoneLee at that time was a married man yet I did not know that he has already fallen in love with me, therefore, I dared not keep sex relation with him, I did not want to mention Danny to him, becasue I felt shame to have sex relation with my boss Danny at that time, therefore, I just did a convenient lie to use ChuChaoRen's name. ), this help me to respect good person, not bend to stupid bad ugly evil doers, it is the good leader's must qualification, but for good woman, to be a leader must not an option, becasue no matter how good a woman may have had looked alike, once seating in the public place, she lost her good qualification, this may explain how come you must not like Bill Clinton and George Bush or Chen Sui Bian or Kaohsiung voters had done to hire any woman to seat in head seat no matter what, because good woman who believes in God won't work out of her private place, woman who does not believe in God should be respected to work as she likes, but woman who does not believe in God cannot have the wisdom from God, therefore, she would always lack of good sense to make good choice , therefore, she must take or given works only that has nothing to do with decision makes. Taiwanese, do not fooled by your enemy within to keep run to chase so called "WTO" or "WHO" that links to lawless U.N.; lawless place you cannot win lawless Godless China Communist, because U.N. is world wide gangster grouped place, they need Godless member to balance God ass kissers to keep from hypocrite eating up all good better best man's big heart. Therefore, what you need to do is to call "Tear down the U.N." instead of following low lower lowest lawlessly. Taiwanese, you need to know that lawful is your advantage while China Communist must solely rely on good will, therefore, if you can have good will to be trusted by China Communist, they must bend to your lead; because good will too invisible to tell, lack of lawfullness, their people can be killed or murdered around the world with no one care their civil lawful right, because when you are foreigners, you enter other country place, that other country's people can all take the benefits of doubt to kill them simply because doubt about their good will to undergrounded chained their naive, innocent, stupid bad ugly evil civilians, this may explain how come MouJerDong had the honest brave to seal Mainland China border more tight than Chiang Kai-Shake had done in Taiwan. It i 裝潢s sad, the looked smart, intelligent, hard working people falling into such a low lower lowest, all because the China Communist run out of good sense leader ship thinking tank after MouJerDong was framed out. Taiwanese, do not "50. Boot.Shower.100.Boot", you Taiwanese lack of lawful official relationship with most of the world wide popular countries, you should protect you people from keeping flooding out of your place to risk them be killed without a trace, because "Swen.5.Cone.72.Ben" is an unspeakable "Huang.Whore". not just you TAiwanese owned patent any more. As per my experience in the one day Jury Summon in Houston, I found out that U.S.Criminal Court kind adopted Chinese "Lie.Swall.Shi.Fat.Jer.Ben.Shi.Shi.Fat.Ren." theory, therefore, the court always side with the defense to burden that "Lie.Swall.Shi.Fat.Jer" to over come the benefits of reasonable doubt; and because earth life as per Christian theory that is like a jail of soul, therefore, to release a soul from jail body indeed not too bad, therefore, any killer who kill with a shot of mercy dead if got good honest lawyer to make defense for him or her should all have the best chance to get quit. This may explain how come the one who killed "Chen.Gwall.Ren" and the one who killed that Japanese who did not know what "freeze" meant to him were both quitted (therefore, my advise to you, do not leave your own country, do not give up your first official language to immigrate second language place, if you do, you are casting the doubt to yourself, no matter how good will you may be like me, you are still to be doubted, there's no way to recover second place loser to become first place winner) Therefore, from my point of view, I think you can kill if you are capable to make a fastest painfulless release someone from body jail, you can kill in the mercy way, you must not fuck without only loving sight. Taiwanese need to know that Mainland China and You can only have both winners or both losers if you keep mess each other around the world; The best way for Taiwan and Mainland to leave is like the rest of the world should do is to seal your border inside your own place to live or die untill all leave no blood behind, the second choice is you both have good will so that you both are winners. To choose to do the losing only path like your stupid bad ugly evil both sides politicians had or have showed is the most evil doer's acts. Those evil politicians should all be killed or jailed like MouJerDong's woman Chiang Chin had sentenced.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 襯衫  .

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          國民大會:政壇秘戀緋聞多(4/5) 20100304 http://www.youtube.com/watch? 商務中心>三級 關鍵字廣告片v=rjQIw7tAsaQ&N 永慶房屋R=1 The ghost side me to curse that shameless su 信用貸款cking "詹.Way.Zhong" "Boot.The.How.4" for the crime he committed a 室內裝潢busing his "Swine.Mean" lie to dragon down cold cold hard shameless selfish "Jean.Chain.Want.W 燒烤ant.Sway" to dive that crime scene caught in front of the TV audience public eyes. "Swine.Mean.10" commit the 結婚crime to Encourage "Bond.Gong.10.Lyan.Chin" against Chinese best "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" moral value, that "Swine.Mean.10" must hav G2000e to be locked deepest darkest.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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